Prismacolor Pencils

I go thru phases. I went thru a phase where I would only draw with a pencil, and a specific color at that.

For a short period of time, I went thru my “Blue Phase.” This is where I didn’t touch any markers and everything I drew had to be drawn with a Prismacolor Indigo Blue pencil. It’s not clear why I would only want to draw with in Indigo Blue, but I must have been in a Blue mood. Not that I wasn’t happy, I was very happy with my drawings, but I just wanted Indigo Blue and when art supplies needed to be ordered, I wanted more Indigo Blue pencils and lots of them. I think I still have many. 

Pencil gives me a chance to shade a different way. It allows me to build up the layers to achieve a smoother shading, allowing me to carefully render the form and make it “read.” It’s not drawn as quickly as pen and marker, but if you look at my pencil work, it’s still pretty quick. Just make sure you have your electric pencil sharpener close by.